Hopefully, this article, with audio description, can shed some light on Data Mesh for visually impaired.
Apache Spark with Java
Apache Spark has been a game changer for distributed data processing, thanks to an easy to understand API, a focus on simplicity, and an adoption of modern infrastructure. However, rumors […]
A Deep-Dive Introduction to Spark for RDBMS Users
Earlier in the summer, I start a series of articles for IBM developerWorks. Those articles focus on Apache Spark from a RDBMS user perspective, of course, the database of choice […]
Kids Too
As I live the American public school system, I see a little more how it works and made contacts there. It’s a bit the same as when you read about […]
Finally a Simple Way to Build Business Apps in the Cloud?
Simplicité Software is available in the United States (and the rest of the world), through the IBM Bluemix platform. Simplicité is a development platform designed at developing business apps. What’s […]
Haπ day!
March 14th, or should I say 3.14 is one of those fun days of the year where mathematicians can share private jokes. I am not categorizing myself as a mathematician, […]
Where is my servlet? javax or javax.javax?
Lately, as I wanted to get back into pure servlet programming, I wanted to double check where to get the right “Servlet API” from Maven. I was pretty surprised to […]
Where is my Java?
Introduction to EGL
Tim McMackin has released a tutorial on EGL on IBM developerWorks. Find more about it here:Â http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/r-dw-r-helloegl.html. Here is the introduction: Learn how to build a simple dynamic Web site using […]
Installing the Informix JDBC driver on Windows Vista
Windows Vista is indeed quite cool. However, when it comes to installing software, you might come into some problems as Vista is relying on a new security mechanism which requires […]