Apache Spark has been a game changer for distributed data processing, thanks to an easy to understand API, a focus on simplicity, and an adoption of modern infrastructure.

However, rumors and gossips are always hurting:
No, you do not need to learn Scala to learn, use, and deploy Spark.
No, you do not need to be a Hadoop guru to understand Spark.
Because, as a Java and data architect, I was lacking some key information about Spark and I was tired of fighting the Scala/Hadoop battle, I decided to write a book for the Java developer, the relational database user, the data architect, and all of us that consider that learning a technology should be an evolution of our skills, not a complete revolution.
You bring your Java skills, and I am doing my best to teach you Spark. You come with your database skills and I will do my best at showing a path to Big Data.
And here is, for Pi day 2018, Spark with Java. It is not a finished product, it is what Manning calls a MEAP (Manning early access program), see it as an alpha version to which you can add features. You can get the book right now for 50% off using the coupon code DOTD031418
(valid only for Pi day 2018) and if you’re fast enough, I am giving ONE book away with the coupon code sparkwjava-A1F4
. Only one, completely free, so hurry…
When I will hit the end of the book, I will click on the print button and it goes to Barnes & Noble, Flyleaf, and other bookstores… Yes, it will also be on Amazon.
Today, you will only get chapter 1 and chapter 2, but chapter 7 is revised, sent to my editor. Chapter 8 will be draft by the beginning of the next week, and so on. The code is available on GitHub, as usual.
Writing a book is a tremendously hard process. There are already a lot of people I am thankful for, but it will come in a next post. As an author, you give a lot and I sincerely hope that you, as a reader, will enjoy it.
Happy reading.