The illustrated book that explains to kids & VP what Data Mesh is is now available in Alsatian, an Alemannic-derived language spoken in the Alsace region of France.
Along with celebrating Alsace Fan Day on June 24th, 2023, I am extremely happy to announce that Data Mesh for all ages is now available in Alsatian under the title Data Mesh fir alle Àlter. Buy it on Etsy.
Fruit of the collaboration with my dad, François Perrin, we not only translated but adapted Data Mesh for all to the specifics of the Alsacian language and culture. Data Mesh for all ages is now available in Alsatian.

Alsatian (which I’d like to spell Alsacian, but I am probably the only one), is part of the group of Alemannic German dialects. Alsatian is spoken in most of Alsace, but there are other variations of German dialects like most of the German regions (landers) have their own, as well as the Northern and central parts of Switzerland.
Two departments are forming Alsace, and there are subtle but true differences between the language spoken in Upper Rhine (south Alsace, Haut-Rhin) and Lower Rhine (north Alsace, Bas-Rhin). It seems that wherever you live, there is always a weird North-South relationship.
François Perrin went through the exercise of translating this very modern technology, described in an abstract way, to the Alsatian language.
As a side note, my first published book’s cover, Spark in Action 2nd edition at Manning Publications Co., features an Alsatian couple from around Strasbourg.
Alsace is a French region bordering Germany with a troubled past and fascinating history.
Discover the book on Etsy (and soon on Amazon, as soon as they understand the difference between French and Alsatian, they are working on it slowly). For the original English book, the French, Telugu, Finnish, German, an Chinese translations, check out the shop.
To know more:
- Alsace Fan Day:
- The Swiss German language:
- The Alsatian language:
- Alsace: