In this reference article, I wanted to go back on data quality and list its seven dimensions, giving examples to make them palatable and some fun facts. I hope this article […]
What is going on in the Modern Data Engineering world?
How is 2024 going for you? Some people announced recently that the Modern Data Stack is dead, but is it once again one of those attempts Intense start I had […]
Getting started with ODCS
Like every new technology or concept, Open Data Contract Standard (ODCS) may require a quick getting started page. In this article, I detail how you can get started and contribute. […]
Why the need for standardizing Data Contracts?
Why the Need for Standardizing Data Contracts? This article describes the genesis of Bitol, the open-source data contract standard and solutions that are an essential part of modern data engineering. […]
Another fantastic All Things Open
Open source keeps rising in a world looking for AI’s place. The beautiful Raleigh Conference Center was hosting the twelfth edition of All Things Open mid-October. All Things Open is a […]
Reflecting on the past year
Taking some time today to reflect on the past year. I think that creating new knowledge drives me the most, and of course, not keeping it for myself. And that […]
What is Data QoS, and why is it critical?
In this article, I am introducing the notion of data quality of service (Data QoS), which is the result of combining Data Quality (DQ) with Service-Level Agreements (SLA). I will […]
Welcome to the Open Data Contract Standard
Data contracts can follow the Open Data Contract Standard (ODCS) version 2.2. Check out opportunities to meet in September 2023.
Data Mesh for all ages is now available in Alsatian
Data Mesh for all ages is now available in Alsatian. Data Mesh for all ages is now available in Alsatian.
Third Data Mesh Q&A session
As part of the Data Mesh Learning Community, Eric Broda invited Laveena Kewlani, Kruthika Potlapally, and me to discuss the implementation of Data Mesh at PayPal. This article answers questions that could not be answered in the conference.