I like to see what & who are the Google Ads on JGP.net. The idea is not to make a huge profit on that (you should come more often and click a lot more on the ads to get me rich).
A lot of my articles & content are either Informix-oriented or Java-oriented. It’s always funny to see who gets caught by the ads mechanism. A few months ago, my friend Hal Maner got caught several times with his company M Systems Intl.
More recently, Four J’s Development Tools got caught too. I found it amusing and worth mentioning. I also take the opportunity to remind you about my Informix 4GL study in 2006, which is available here.
The study is comparing (in random order) Querix, Four J’s Development Tools, Aubit4GL, IBM Informix I-4GL and Rational EGL.
And I don’t get any money if you click on those links ;-).