Enterprise Generation Language (EGL) has its newsletter, edited by a dear friend, Jonathan Sayles. This is exclusive information from InformixMag ! The newsletter is a 12-page document, where you find news, tips […]
XQuery 1.0 is a W3C Recommendation!
This morning, I got a mail from one of the numerous vendors who thinks he has the right to send me plenty of mails. Well, anyway it contained… Here is […]
Google Ads on JGP.net
I like to see what & who are the Google Ads on JGP.net. The idea is not to make a huge profit on that (you should come more often and […]
4GL Study Released
Earlier this year I have started a study, based on a survey I realized about Informix 4GL, in 2006. The first public release of the Informix 4GL study is available […]
4GL Study Released
The IBM Informix 4GL (I-4GL) study I started at the beginning of this year is now available and I am glad I can announce it here. About 100 people participated […]
Présentations du 28 septembre
J’ai enfin trouvé le temps de mettre les présentations en ligne. Présentations : Transformer les données d’Excel en XML par Jean Georges Perrin. RCP (Rich Client Platform) par Serge Baccou. Tour […]
Published on developerWorks
There are a few things which you really consider as achievement in your professional life. Some are complex projects, other are things you could not imagine and still cannot imagine […]
Writing XML
When I started playing with XML, I was an early adopter. It was interesting, intrigant. Now, everybody knows what XML is and other needs arise, such as “how the heck […]
Matinale Java du 28 septembre : J-2
Nous sommes sur la dernière ligne droite. La deuxième rentre Java à Strasbourg aura lieu à Strasbourg au Best Western Métropole. Ce matin, plus de 50 personnes se sont inscrites, […]
Matinale Java du 28 Septembre : en route pour JavaPolis!
Un nouveau partenaire de choix se joint à notre matinale Java du 28 septembre : JavaPolis et BeJUG. JavaPolis est devenu l’événement Java de référence en Europe. Il s’agit d’une conférence […]