To help foster the Apache Spark community in the (Research) Triangle region (Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill in North Carolina), with some friends, we decided to create a Slack team to ease communication. There were other ways already, but the idea is to centralize all exchanges in a convenient place. We just started yesterday and we are already 10 people. The easiest way to get to it is by going to http://oplo.io/td to request an invitation, which you will get automatically. The Slack team is at http://TriangleData.slack.com – as you can figure out by the name, there is room for other topics, so feel free to start one!
You are free to share your events, blog posts, press review in #general.
If you’re looking for someone (like a data engineer, data scientist, data architect, or data guru) or if you are looking for a job, get yourself known in #job.
If you are passionate about Spark, I encourage you to go to the #spark channel, where you can discuss issue, development, and the edX courses. On that note, don’t forget Danny Siegle’s study groups on Meetup.
Slack is a very easy tool to use, getting more and more popular among groups as it enables easy file sharing, structured groups through channels, ad-hoc groups, direct communication. It’s a bit of a fusion of Google Groups, Skype, WhatsApp. It is available on the web as well as through desktop and mobile apps.
See you on Slack!
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