Checking that Everything’s Fine
In order to check that everything went smoothly, we are going to check:
- Through the DB-Access tool, that we have access to the database and that it displays expected information.
- Install the stores demo.
Creating a new Database with DB-Access
Start a Command Prompt, with the Informix environment, as we did earlier by clicking on the “ol_scoobidoo2ifmx” icon. Run dbaccess.

Despite that the user interface is rudimentary; DB-Access is a very efficient tool. To navigate in the tool, use the cursor arrows and the enter key, or press the upper-case letter of the menu item, like “D” for “Database”.
We will now create a database in our newly created DbSpace and then drop it. Go to “Database”, “Create”, under the database name “mytestdatabase”.

Go to “Dbspace”, here you should get a list of DbSpaces.

Select dbs_scoobidoo2ifmx. “, go to “Exit”, then “Create-new-database”. After creation, you will be automatically connected to the database and you will see mytestdatabase@ol_scoobidoo2ifmx.

To drop it, go to “cLose”, “Drop”. Select mytestdatabase@ol_scoobidoo2ifmx. Be careful not to select any of the system database. Confirm by selecting “Yes”. We have successfully created and dropped a database in our newly created DbSpace.
Welcome to the stores demo
All Informix users know the stores demo. It is a basic database describing a shop, with tables such as customer, articles… Let’s run the installation script.
dbaccessdemo -log -dbspace dbs_scoobidoo2ifmx
Quick explanation:
- -log says I wish to use transaction logging.
- -dbspace dbs_scoobidoo2ifmx indicates the name of the DbSpace I want to use.
It runs for a few seconds and you will get :
{...} Database closed. The stores_demo database created successfully. The demo files can be found in C:\Informix\demo\dbaccess\demo_ids