《数据网格-面向全年龄段》这本书采用浅显易懂的方式,类比真实世界,面向从幼儿至长者的全年龄层,解释了数据网格范式的核心原则。本书开头解释了“一切都是数据”这一道理, 进而阐明了数据网格的四个原则,即:域所有权、联邦(计算)治理、数据作为产品和自助服务平台。Get it on Etsy.
本书受到来自Nextdata 科技公司的Zhamak Dehghani (扎马克·德加尼)的作品启发,冒昧进行调整,以面向更广泛和非专业的读者。
Jean-Georges “jgp” Perrin(让·乔治·佩兰)在PayPal担任技术领导者,专攻建立创新和现代数据平台,同时他也是AIDAUG(人工智能,数据及分析学用户组织会)主席,《Spark 实战(第2版)》的作者,终身IBM Champion。
Along with my colleague at PayPal, Wenjie Guo, we are publishing Data Mesh for all ages in Chinese. The little book is a translation of the original English book. The Chinese edition is completing the French, German, and Telugu translations, making it the fifth language in which it is translated.
Although Wenjie works with me on the Data Mesh implementation, translating the four principles into Chinese was not as easy as you’d think. Speaking for both of us, it was a great experience, and I am grateful to Wenjie.
As of now, the book is only available on Etsy. We are working on finding a publisher in China.