I just wanted to share with you the latest update on Spark in Action, second edition
What’s new?
- Chapter 12, “Transforming your data“
- Chapter 13, “Transforming entire documents“
- Appendix K, “Static functions ease your transformations“
A little more…

There’s plenty new and revised content for you to check out with this update!
A foreword by IBM’s Rob D. Thomas, the charming story about the cover’s significance, a revised table of contents, and a Part 3 opener are now available. It’s not me saying the story is charming, I am quoting.
In Chapter 12, we explore the data transformation process, record-level data transformation, data discovery and data mapping, how to implement a data transformation process on a real-world dataset, and more!
In Chapter 13, we focus on the transformation of entire documents. We cover how to transform entire documents for better analytics or condensed documents, navigate the catalog of static functions, and use static functions for data transformation.
Appendix K introduces you to a series of supplementary reference materials on Spark static functions.
Please be sure to stop by the liveBook Discussion Forum with any comments or questions you have about the new chapters and the rest of the book. As always, we appreciate your feedback!
What’s next?
- Chapter 14, “Extending transformations with user-defined functions (UDFs)”
- Chapter 15, “Aggregating your data”
If you do not have your copy, it is still a good time to buy it.