Gee! I am in San Francisco. First, I love the city, not my first time here, but it’s a real city, where you can walk, find French food (there is even a place where you can get Meteor, it’s a beer from Hochfelden)… But San Francisco is more than that. It’s America. It’s the American dream with its ups and downs…
Nevertheless, I made the trip to attend the Web 2.0 Expo & conference. I am a conference zealot: it is my bowl of oxygen outside of work.
Why? Dunno really… Well, maybe for a lot of reasons…
In less than a year, I’ll celebrate my 15th webiversary. I am not nostalgic. I am just curious what it’ll be in 15 years ;-)… So let’s see what I’d like to get from the conference…
New friends. I already have some but they are all getting old. Hey just kidding, I am old too after my 14th webiversary.
New techniques. I love methods & techniques which can make me more efficient. Our web-world is going so quickly it’s hard to get best practices, probably a motivation behind CogiFactory (more on that soon).
New technologies. Yes, I am still a geek in my “inner-me”. I was excited when I saw the Moscone West with the Web 2.0 banners yesterday. This was about the first thing I did after dropping my stuff (and before going there).
New business ops. Okay, let me define a good deal… 1-yr project for v1. Me as the project leader (hey, it’s my deal!). 5 guys or gals. 5 skills. Customer-driven project. Mashups (okay, mash-ups). Long term vision (2 years, well, 18 months).
An angel? This would be real coooooool! GreenIvory is developing real fast now and people understands what my value proposition is (not bad after all), but I sense this could be so much more passionate if I did not have to deal with basic day-to-day work (well, you know, start-ups).
Anyway… the only thing I am pretty sure of is that I’ll bring Lego for my boys (and the Star Wars Monopoly if I find it and the Blue Lightning McQueen – special orders)… And sorry, I got pezzr.com(this was quite tempting, nope?)