Tim McMackin has released a tutorial on EGL on IBM developerWorks. Find more about it here: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/r-dw-r-helloegl.html.
Here is the introduction:
Learn how to build a simple dynamic Web site using Rational® Business Developer Extension and Enterprise Generation Language (EGL). The site you build has two pages: one to display a list of records in a database and another to allow users to change the data in one of those records. You can create this Java™ technology-based Web site without knowing any Java code or J2EE; this tutorial demonstrates Rational Business Developer Extension’s ability to create complex applications using a simple business-oriented language and powerful graphical editing tools.
There is life in EGL and not only in the Informix world!
By the way, I have met Mahmoud Kassem (CEO of eSmartSoft), one of the pioneer of EGL adoption at IIUG/IDUG 2007 in San José. Nice, interesting and enriching. I’ll speak of it soon here and on my (official?) blog .