I can’t believe the conference is already over! It has been a dense week of learning, teaching and extending networks. That’s why I decided to skip a few sessions today. It gave me some time to enjoy a sausage at the kiosk in front of the conference center with Stuart Litel, IIUG’s fearless leader. The fun thing is that Americans think that all sausages are Hot Dogs.
Sérgio Ferreira explained how he solved a 4GL problem by embedding it in the WebSphere Application Server through the use of JCA (Java Connectivity Architecture). Tech talk. Pure tech talk. I loved it and I think the other attendees did as well. The good thing about pure tech talks, is that you can disagree with people and I did with Sérgio: you can transfer your information through the SSH channel, there is ab-so-lu-te-ly no need to open a second channel with an additional key mechanism. Absolutely Fabulous.
Hal Maner presented is Java UDR (User Defined Routine) talk. Hal is a good speaker and quite funny in his talk, and if you missed it, well, you can find it in essence in a tutorial we did together for developerWorks.
After the keynote I went downtown with someone-to-remain-anonymous to buy some chocolate. David Fraser: prices in the super market next door and down town are the SAME. Well, walking a few miles can’t hurt me…

In the evening, both Boards and CPCs (Conference Planning Committee) met for a closing evening & party on a boat cruise on the Blue Danube (well, at night, it’s black like all rivers). It’s a great thing when people organize parties on your birthday, it is a lot more economic! Nice time, nice food, great way to evacuate all the stress of the week, even if you know you need to wake up at 4:30 AM to catch your plane.
It is only an “Au Revoir”, and not really the last day: Friday will bring Educational Seminars. I can’t wait for the next conference, oh wait… It’s next week in California, at IOD!